Monthly Subscription Box

Are you ready to save yourself time and money by subscribing to our amazing eco-friendly monthly cleaning boxes?
Benefits of the Boxes:
* Saving time - do you have to go out and purchase cleaning products from different shops throughout the month? Well now you don't have to: you can just subscribe knowing that these will be delivered to your door!
*Saving money - purchasing one of our subscription boxes saves you money: You don't have to go out and travel around to find good deals! Eco-friendly cleaning is not only better for the planet but it is often cheaper, saving on buying single use plastic but also SAVE when you subscribe to the Harris&Rose eco boxes!
*toxic free cleaning - did you know that a lot of high street cleaners contain toxic chemicals? (its been found that the same chemicals are used for cleaning toilets and patios as your work surfaces!!) Using toxic cleaning products means you and your family are potentially breathing in harmful chemicals, and ingesting them too.
*cruelty free cleaning - all of our products do not contain ANY animal derived ingredients, nor are they tested on animals, hurray!
*plastic free cleaning - no single use here! We don't charge our customers for the single use plastic and the water that tops up the bottles, unlike the high street! All of our spray bottles are reusable and our cloths/brushes are biodegradable at the end of their life. We also offer refills so you never have to buy single use ever again!
Every month you will receive an eco cleaning box that is suitable for you, your home, or your workplace/business.
Subscribe and pay upfront for the year and receive a box for free! that's 12 monthly boxes for the price of 11! This will also include free delivery for the year!
Or subscribe to 6months/quarterly and still receive discounts!
You can of course pay monthly, standing orders are available too, simply email: and you will be sent the details.
The boxes will be delivered directly to the postal address that you provide.