I have always tried to be a conscious consumer but a trip to Africa highlighted the need for more change. I volunteered at a charity school in the slums of Nakuru, Kenya in 2018. I saw for myself that humanity is having a massive impact on our planet. People, horrifyingly, lived their lives on plastic dumping grounds with imported plastic waste which I could see was from the UK. Since then, I have found that it is not just the UK's way of 'dealing' with waste: so many developed countries send their waste to be dumped across the globe to places which have no way of dealing with it.
When I returned home I decided that me and my family must make changes to live more sustainably, with the planet and others in mind. Buying single use plastic and just “wish recycling”, putting it in the recycling bin and hoping for the best, clearly wasn't working. It is having a massive impact on innocent people, who can do nothing to improve their situation, and such a detrimental impact on our Earth. We drastically need to reduce our waste and our contribution to the exporting of these materials. We need to protect what we have for the future and stop the exploitation of others.
But It's not all doom and gloom! -This is where we at Harris&Rose come in! I found it easy to begin to make little changes in the home. Once I'd begun to source plastic free products and found that I wasn't compromising on quality, it really was a breath of fresh air. Small change really does help. Every item of plastic avoided is one less on the dump in Nakuru, in the ocean or in landfill.
Through consciously changing my use of certain products to more eco-friendly ones I could reduce the amount of harmful toxins reaching my family’s skin, or getting into the water systems. I found it a lot easier to avoid products with palm oil, parabens and other nasties. I'm very conscious of avoiding products that contain animal derived products or aren’t cruelty free. I want this to be completely transparent to the consumer with our brand - we would never use this kind of product.
I want to share with others how easy, simple and affordable these swaps really are, so here we are!
Harris&Rose, my children's middle names, was formed. My aim is for people to trust in the ethos at Harris&Rose; that they are buying a series of tried and tested eco-friendly products, all in one little shop! A home for all things planet and animal kind, Harris&Rose is here for you to browse and enjoy.
Happy shopping and much eco love,
Nicola xxx