New Year, New Eco Resolutions.....

Every year I make resolutions that might last a few days, or I make promises to myself that just aren't doable! Instead of making promises to yourself why not focus your attention on the planet, and make eco resolutions instead, this way we know that even if we aren't fully doing all we can do to be perfect everyday, we can do our best to help our planet!! Here are some simple, practical ideas that everyone can try this January.
A really great idea is to do a waste analyse - one week, instead of throwing all your waste, collate it. You will be surprised at what you have! You could collect in the garage/shed/side room and see what you could cut down on and perhaps make small changes. Things like safety razors (which you keep forever and just change the blade), reusable coffee cups and water bottles and even sandwich bags/cling film - these can be swapped for reusing paper bags or a sandwich tin!
Why not try Veganuary! Every January, encourages people to give up meat and dairy products for a month and see how you feel! Sign up online for loads of recipe ideas, hints and tips. I did this only 3 years ago and I've never looked back! There are so many options out there now, especially at the start of the year to encourage this!
Harris&Rose offer plastic free alternatives to cut down on your waste, as well as always being vegan, they are cruelty free too! And because so many are reusable, time and time again, they save you money over throw-away! Check out our website to make small changes in 2023!
Another great idea is to time your showers! Sounds extra! But shortening your shower by a couple of minutes saves you water and money! The average shower head uses approximately 12 litres of water per minute. Evidently, even a one minute reduction in your shower time delivers a 10% saving in water usage. While this might seem insignificant, the amount of water you save over a month or year is huge!
Asking to use your own containers, even at large supermarkets for produce is doable, I often do this, even for salad bars and olives! You can always use your reusable bags for fresh vegetables and fruit. Harris&Rose have reusable bags that are so strong and durable they will last a very long time, they also come in different sizes to suit your needs.
The best things that I have found are sharing easy eco tips here on the blog and in print (I often write in ‘Allestree Life’ a local magazine) and also on socials. I love to find new ideas and we all as a community can help each other!
I hope you have a wonderful new year and a happy eco 2023! Nicola x